Crush it!: Why NOW Is the Time to Cash In on Your Passion – by Gary Vaynerchuk

Charlotte’s Notes: A fantastic resource for raw motivation!

Gary is a straight-talking marketing guru who has inspired millions. He’s now heavily involved with the top social media platforms and his original ” Crush it” mantra is responsible for many successful entrepreneurs.

In his first Audiobook, Gary frequently goes off-script, providing even more insight into his magical marketing brain as he shares the thoughts behind the concept outlined in his book.

This Audiobook gave me raw drive. It helped me remember what it takes to be successful and reminded me that there is no magical formula. Good ol’ fashion elbow grease, long hours, finding great partnerships, living your brand, and always planning your next steps are the only ways to ensure business growth and success.

A 9/10 in my books.

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Crush It!: Why NOW Is the Time to Cash In on Your Passion

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